Why choose JCR?

There is no shortage in the world of cyber ranges, it seems. Many platforms exist, free/paid, volunteer-driven / professional. However, for dutch schools and universities, two important considerations are relevant. Does the school have autonomy in selecting and developing learning experiences? Is the platform contributing to the digital autonomy of the Netherlands in particular, and Europe in general?

What’s in it for me?

I am a...

As a teacher, the JointCyberRange allows you to set up courses of all levels swiftly for your class of students.

You will be able to choose the topics of your liking, matching the levels of your students while maintaining full control over the learning content and the personal data of your students.

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Beyond the predefined challenges, courses, and exercises, every teacher can develop their own learning content.

This includes challenges running in containers, which can mimic realistic IT infrastructures.

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