The Joint Cyber Range is an education platform that provides exercises for students in an exciting way. We use elements of gamification to make every assignment more fun (and competitive). Students have to work individually to demonstrate their competence. Additionally, team-based exercises can be run to simulate real-life work situations.

Choosing the learning topics

Teachers run classes by selecting the appropriate learning content for the learning objectives that they have. It is also possible that students make their own selections so that they adapt their learning to their interests. For the challenges part of the learning, each class gets access to its own 'tenant' on the platform. This ensures complete isolation from other schools and classes. At the same time, this mandates the teacher to take responsibility for all students' personal information and helps them fulfill their GPDR obligations.

wide view of nigh cyber city blue and red

Getting into the flow of learning

Gamified learning

Gamified education addresses many of today's challenges.

  • It allows learners to pick their own topics.

  • It holds the attention of learners more, by nudging them towards a state of flow.

  • Combined with learning analytics this gives greater insight into actual learning.

wide view of nigh cyber city blue and red

Flow based learning

People learn best when they have challenges that are neither too simple nor too hard.

When tasked to work on assignments that are too challenging, learners freak out', stress or withdraw completely. This does not lead to good learning outcomes.

Conversely, when assignments are too easy, learners will suffer from boredom and will get more easily distracted by other activities.

The science behind this was pioneered by the Hungarian psychologist Czikcenthihaly, and is called the theory of 'flow'.

wide view of nigh cyber city blue and red
  • Individual exercise that allows to learn hacking.pdf

  • Individual exercise that allows to learn hacking.pdf

  • Individual exercise that allows to learn hacking.pdf

  • Individual exercise that allows to learn hacking.pdf
